Friday, January 6, 2012

The End and the Beginning

This is the end and the beginning. i love the words that this song starts with, "If everything that the Roman Catholic Church 
taught were true, what difference would it make in our lives
We believe that in every single mass, 
through the power of the Holy Spirit,
that the bread and the wine are transformed 
into the flesh and the blood of Jesus"

so what difference does this make in our lives? do we act on what the Church teaches or do we sit and twiddle our thumbs waiting for something to happen? I also love what the song says a little later

"If indeed what I am saying is true,
and this is what the Church says,
then our hearts need to start burning
with a deeper understanding of who and what
this Eucharist is"

Our heart needs to start burning! burning with a fire unable to be put out. but we do not accept this. when I am sitting in mass and look at people walking up to receive communion i see a people losing faith. these are not the people whose hearts are on fire.  All of these people I see are aching for something more they are still searching, I ask them why they still are searching when what they want they receive at the mass. These men, women, and children are receiving their Lord and Savior. they are receiving Christ. 

Jesus believed the phrase "you are what you eat". This is why Jesus gave himself to us, the best way we can become like Jesus is to attend mass and consume his Holy Eucharist. in doing this we consume Jesus so that Jesus can consume us. 

So are our hearts burning for him? and if not what can we do to rekindle this fire... 

Monday, January 17, 2011


This is pretty straight forward. Prayer is a very essential part of any religion, yet it is over looked. first prayer, as seen by Websters dictionary, is a noun. Do not forget that. a noun, an action. So we see that we need to take action we cannot just ignore. we need to embrace. Prayer if done right will become not a committed time during the day, but a part of our lives bonded to our souls lifting our deepest sorrows and joys to God. we all have used prayer as a way to get what we want from God. But how often do we thank Him for what we have, and what He has given us? not nearly enough. God is all loving and all powerful then why do we feel that we can use prayer to command him and not thank him too.

Prayer though an action is also a conversation. As much as we talk to God we need to take the time for God to talk to us. in the car turn your radio off and let Him speak. go to Church Early and let Him speak. when your at work during a break let Him Speak. we expect to see a burning bush, but we wont get it God still talks but its our job to listen.

Today let God speak to you, to your heart. Let Him into your soul. ask him for the words to speak and for the ears to listen.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

God and strife

God uses many things to talk to us in our lives. Some ways are a lot better for us than others. Sometimes God uses people, other times he uses things. We cannot be discouraged by bad events on our life. We must be encouraged by them. Encouraged to do better, encouraged to do Gods work in our lives. Only God knows the purpose for our lives. we must not turn form him in bad times, we must run to him. Into his open arms and embrace the love and plan of God!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


50 days for us to think, we must all keep our faith in Christ. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit so that He may be with us always, that is what these next 50 days are about, they are about us getting ourselves ready for Jesus. the holy spirit gives us many gifts and we must use these for his name. pray that these gifts may come out in you so that you might live your life to full potential.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Faith like fire

Faith is as a fire, blazing in our hearts but it can do nothing their as it can with others. let that fire consume you, over take you, and it will spread to others, like a wild fire, a fire so hot, burning so strong, nothing will put it out.